
Mitsumine Shrine (Mitsumine Jinja) is a historic shrine located in Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture. It is known as a central place of mountain worship in the Kanto region. Situated near the summit of Mount Mitsumine at an elevation of 1100 meters, it is characterized by its magnificent natural surroundings and mystical atmosphere. With a long history and numerous myths, Mitsumine Shrine attracts many worshippers and tourists.

History of Mitsumine Shrine

The foundation of Mitsumine Shrine dates back more than 1900 years to the era of Prince Yamato Takeru no Mikoto. According to legend, Prince Yamato Takeru climbed Mount Mitsumine during his eastern expedition and enshrined the gods there, marking the beginning of Mitsumine Shrine. Later, during the Heian period, it flourished as a training ground for Shugendo practitioners, attracting many ascetics and believers.

In the Edo period, the shrine received support from local influential figures and believers, leading to the restoration and reconstruction of the shrine buildings. As a result, it further developed as a center of faith. Many of the current shrine buildings were constructed during the Edo period, and their beautiful architectural style continues to impress many people.

Features of Mitsumine Shrine

Guardian Wolves (Komainu)

One of the unique features of Mitsumine Shrine is the guardian wolves (Komainu) instead of the usual guardian dogs seen at other shrines. This is because Mitsumine Shrine is a place where mountain worship and wolf worship are fused, and wolves are believed to be messengers of the gods. The guardian wolves are said to protect worshippers and ward off calamities.

Highlights of Mitsumine Shrine

Main Shrine and Worship Hall (Dragon’s Eye)

Mitsumine Shrine enshrines Izanagi no Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto. The main shrine and worship hall were built in the early Edo period and are splendid buildings adorned with vividly colored lacquer and carvings. Beneath the worship hall is a stone known as the “Dragon’s Eye,” which mysteriously appeared in the Year of the Dragon (2012). It is said that a red-eyed dragon appears in the paving stone. Setting this dragon as your smartphone wallpaper is believed to bring good luck.

Sacred Trees

In front of the worship hall, there are two enormous cedar trees over 800 years old. These sacred trees are considered the most powerful energy spots at Mitsumine Shrine. Their thickness and presence are overwhelming, and touching these trees is believed to allow you to absorb their energy. You can also purchase a talisman called “Kimamori” to take the energy of these sacred trees home with you.

Remote Worship Hall

On the way back from the main shrine, there is a remote worship hall on a high platform where you can worship the Okumiya of Mitsumine Shrine. From here, you can enjoy beautiful views of the mountains of Oku-Chichibu, and on clear days, you may even see a sea of clouds. Standing at this location, you can truly appreciate the high elevation and deep mountain setting of Mitsumine Shrine.

Enmusubi Tree (Tree of Matchmaking)

Along the path from the worship hall into the mountains, there is an “Enmusubi Tree.” Although it looks like one tree, it is actually a cypress and a fir tree standing close together. This appearance is believed to bring good luck in matchmaking, attracting many visitors praying for success in love.

Triple Torii Gate and Wolves

At the entrance to the shrine grounds, there is a rare “Triple Torii Gate.” The correct way to pass through is from the center to the left, then back to the right, then left again, and finally through the center. On both sides of the torii gate, instead of guardian dogs, there are wolves (called “Oinu-sama”). This symbolizes Mitsumine Shrine’s wolf worship.

Zuishin Gate

Beyond the Triple Torii Gate, there is a large Zuishin Gate. This gate was originally built as a Nio Gate 220 years ago during the mid-Edo period but was renamed Zuishin Gate after the removal of the Nio statues following the separation of Shinto and Buddhism in the Meiji period. The Nio Gate is a Buddhist term, while Zuishin Gate is a Shinto term.

Spectacular Views from Mount Mitsumine

Mitsumine Shrine is located near the summit of Mount Mitsumine, at an elevation of 1100 meters, offering breathtaking views. On clear days, you can see the mountains of Chichibu and the Kanto Plain, and the beauty of these views captivates visitors.


The Okumiya of Mitsumine Shrine is located at an even higher elevation and can be reached after a challenging journey. The Okumiya is considered a more sacred place where practitioners and believers perform special prayers.

Kaguraden (Kagura Hall)

At Mitsumine Shrine’s Kaguraden, traditional Kagura dances are regularly performed. Kagura is a dance that expresses gratitude and prayers to the gods, and the beautiful stage and graceful movements of the dancers captivate many tourists.

Special Charm of Mitsumine Shrine

Mitsumine Shrine is located on a powerful dragon vein flowing from Mount Fuji to Tokyo, making it a special energy spot known as a “dragon hole.” As a result, Mitsumine Shrine is a place where strong natural energy stays, providing visitors with a powerful energy boost.

Benefits and Characteristics of Power Spots

Mitsumine Shrine brings a wide range of benefits, including success in business, financial fortune, matchmaking, health, and protection from misfortune. However, unlike other shrines, Mitsumine Shrine is said to provide extremely strong luck to those with clear goals and strong desires, helping them realize their wishes. It can be particularly advantageous for those starting new businesses or pursuing side ventures.

Access to Mitsumine Shrine

Mitsumine Shrine is accessible by public transportation or car.

By Train

Mitsumine Shrine is located deep in the mountains of Chichibu and can be reached by bus from the nearest station.

  • From Seibu-Chichibu Line Seibu-Chichibu Station, take a bus for about 80 minutes (fare: 950 yen for adults).
  • From Chichibu Railway Mitsumineguchi Station, take a bus for about 60 minutes (fare: 690 yen for adults).

By Car

  • From Tokyo: About 2 hours via National Route 140 and the Minano Yorii Bypass from Hanazono IC on the Kan-Etsu Expressway.
  • From Yamanashi: About 2.5 hours via National Route 140 and the Karisaka Tunnel from Kofu-Showa IC on the Chuo Expressway.

Mitsumine Shrine has a paid parking lot. Operating hours are from 8:00 to 18:00, with a fee of 520 yen for regular cars and 210 yen for motorcycles (as of 2024).


Mitsumine Shrine continues to be loved by many worshippers and tourists for its rich history and mystical atmosphere. It is a special place where mountain worship and wolf worship are combined, and you can enjoy beautiful nature and spectacular views. On your next trip, be sure to visit Mitsumine Shrine and experience its charm for yourself.

With Forwarding Service Japan, you can easily order amulets and other items from Mitsumine Shrine even from overseas. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.